Thursday, April 8, 2010

A timely opportunity to join Congo ministry

This message is not intended for churches in our missionary partnership network. But if you are an individual asking how God might use you more fully, read on.

Most of you already know that a simple yearning to see Gods work accomplished in the world doesn’t automatically translate into concrete transformational action that changes people’s lives on the ground. Yearning must be matched by committed mobilizing of resources – the right people, the right material resources, and often the money that can bring both to the opportunity we have in mind. It’s no different for our ministries in Congo.

We want to thank all of you who have given the funds that make our ministry possible: helping Congolese Christians to end hunger in rural Bandundu, to spread literacy (and the access it gives to opportunity), to encourage evangelism among the Twa, and to encourage lay pastor training. As of the end of February you have brought us within $700 per month of the minimum support level needed for us to return to Congo.*

As we close in on this goal, we are delighted to share a timely opportunity with those of you who have a burden for these opportunities in Congo but haven’t yet made a commitment of resources. International Ministries has just announced the creation of a $200,000 fund that will match 50% of new individual pledges to missionary support of a dollar a day for one year.

Here’s how it works:

* the pledge must be from an individual who has not previously pledged to regularly support a particular missionary

* it must be at least $30 per month for 12 months; this will be matched at $15/month for one year, adding $180 to your pledge.

* although monthly payments are much preferred, quarterly, semi-annual or annual pledges will be honored for matching.

* an individual may make a qualifying pledge to more than one missionary and receive a match for each.

* the pledge must be made on-line at the International Ministries website between April 19 and May 31, 2010. Make sure to include the underscores for spaces in the last part.

* matching funds will be available on a first-come, first-served basis until the fund is exhausted or May 31, whichever comes first.

So if the Lord has been nudging you to step out on faith to support our ministry in Congo, or the ministry of another IM missionary around the world, this may be just the opportunity that you have been waiting for. Just 16 people giving a dollar a day is all it takes to bring us to an open door back to Congo. For you it might be the chance to turn your yearnings about God’s mission in the world into concrete transformation in a real place among real people. Come make a difference with us.

*Ed and Miriam have reached 87% of their basic support goal (covering salary, medical insurance and retirement fund), just $700 / month short of the minimum needed to return to Congo. Of course airfare, document expenses, house repairs and mission office support, just to mention a few expenses, must be covered as well. These costs amount to an additional $3,000 / month that must be covered by World Mission Offering and other IM income..

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